We Are Democrats


The Economy

President John F. Kennedy once said “A rising tide lifts all boats.” Democrats believe that should be true. If you work hard and play by the rules, you should not struggle to put a roof over your head and food on the table.

That’s why the Democratic Party supports combatting income inequality, so that all Americans can enjoy economic growth. That’s why the Democratic Party supports raising the minimum wage to $15.00 an hour, so that no one who works 40 hours a week will live in poverty. That’s why the Democratic Party supports strengthening labor unions, so that works can band together to demand better working conditions.

Learn more about our ideas to raise incomes and restore economic security by clicking here.

Health Care

The Declaration of Independence says all people are created equal and endowed with certain unalienable rights. First among those rights is the right to life, which cannot be sustained without adequate health care. Democrats believe health care is a human right.

That’s why the Democratic Party supports fixing the Affordable Care Act and expanding health coverage by enacting a public option, so those who are covered can stay covered and pay lower rates. That’s why the Democratic Party supports lowering drug costs, so nobody has to choose between filling a prescription or paying rent or buying food. That’s why the Democratic Party supports protecting programs like Medicare and Medicaid, so seniors and poor Americans can still receive the health care they need.

Learn more about our ideas to ensure the health and safety of all Americans by clicking here.

Restoring Our Democracy

Free and fair elections are the cornerstone of our democracy. Unfortunately, unaccountable politicians have eroded our democracy by inviting in big money and special interests while drawing themselves into safe districts. Democrats believe we, the people, need to fight for and reclaim our democracy.

That’s why the Democratic Party supports automatic voter registration, so every American over the age of 18 can participate in our democracy without obstruction. That’s why the Democratic Party supports a constitutional amendment to override Citizens United, so our elections are decided by voters and not money. That’s why the Democratic Party supports ending partisan and racial gerrymandering, so that voters are choosing their politicians and politicians are not choosing their voters.

Learn more about our ideas to protect voting rights, fix our campaign finance system, and restore our democracy by clicking here.

Looking for more?

Learn more about the Democratic Party’s ideas by clicking here.